The word "anoesis" is an uncommon noun, and it is used mostly in psychology for a state of mind consisting of pure sensation or emotion without cognitive content. A person's mind is in a state of consciousness in which there is only sensation but no thought.

This word is believed to be Greek in origin, and it is said to clearly express negation or deprivation. In British society, it was used as a colloquialism to mean “good sense, common sense, gumption.” Later, the use of anoesis and its current meaning as a noun first appeared in English in the early 20th century.

In the following sentence, this is how the word can be used. "Normally, on my long-distance walks, anoesis descends within a few miles." In other words, walking has created a singular thrill (sensation) and the person doing the walking is without any conscious thought or understanding. It is a situation where the person is devoid of any ethical or mythic comfort.

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