Emmett Louis Till

Born in Chicago, Illinois 7/25/1941

Died in Mississippi, 8/28/1955

Cause of death - Homicide.

Till was an African American teen visiting relatives in Money, Mississippi at the age of 14 years old.

Emmett Till was lynched for reportedly flirting with a white woman, Carolyn Bryant the 21 year old wife of a grocery store owner.

Several nights later Bryant's husband, Roy and his half brother J.W Milam, went to Till's uncle's home and abducted the young boy.

They took him away, beat, mutilated and shot him. Sinking his body in the Tallahatchie River. Three days later his body was found and recovered.

In September of 1955, Milam and Bryant were acquitted of Till's kidnapping and murder. Protected by Double Jeopardy', Milam and Bryant publicly admitted to 'Look Magazine' that they indeed killed Emmett Till.

Till's murder is noted as a pivotal catalyst to the next phase of the Civil Rights Movement. Emmett's mother wanted all to remember her son. This is a very tragic time in the history of our country. I'll never forget it and that is why I submit this as one of my questions.

More Info: en.wikipedia.org