General knowledge quizzes

We give you a unique chance to check your memory and mental abilities online by providing the best IQ tests and general knowledge quizzes absolutely for free.

Choose among hundreds of topics: world capitals, logic riddles, color tests, science, foreign languages, and many others.


The Ultimate Logo Quiz

Let's see how well you really know car logos.


Can you guess the best selling book from its first line?

Know you're Dickens from your Da Vinci Code? Let's see how many literary classics you can detect...

#knowledge #literature

Can You Guess The Animal From These Five Rhymes?

An animal is hiding within these facts o'fun - Will you be the champion to discover which one?

#animals #knowledge

You Can Get Into Grad School If You Get 17/24

92% of adults cannot get more that 16 correctly. Only 8% get at least 17/24.

#language #knowledge

Can You Answer These 12 Tricky Questions?

So you think you're pretty clever? Why not put your brain to the test and answer these 12 super tricky questions!? Good luck!

#Science #IQ #knowledge

Only Highly Creative People Can Solve These Riddles

Do you consider yourself highly creative? Only highly creative people can solve these riddles!

#IQ #knowledge

Can You Pass This 9th Grade History Test?

How focused were you during those drawn-out history classes in high school? You're about to find out!!

#History #knowledge

It’s very important to check your general knowledge regularly. Fortunately, QuizzClub gives you such an opportunity absolutely for free. Our online trivia quizzes and tests concern different spheres of life: geography, language, cinematograph, psychology, and many others.


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