9 places you absolutely have to see in your lifetime 6/22/2018

All countries on our planet have interesting places to see. But some of them are so stunning you can’t believe they are real.

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#Geography #inspiration #holiday


These incredible historical plot twists will blow your mind 6/22/2018

A lot of surprising coincidences and unexpected things happened throughout history and changed the lives of millions. Find out about the most incredible historical plot twists.

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Things you won't believe are still prohibited for women in Saudi Arabia 6/21/2018

Saudi Arabia is a country where women have extremely limited rights. You will be surprised to find about the things that are still prohibited for female citizens of this country.

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#Geography #Culture #female

8 incredible museums where you won't be bored 6/20/2018

There are things you never thought would be a part of exhibition. However, they are collected in museums and people are eager to see them.

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#Culture #funny #inspiration

Do pilots see anything during a night flight? 6/20/2018

Do you really think it's all about a pilot's perfect vision? If so, there is something you should learn right now.

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#Society #Nature #Quora

Do bacteria have bacteria? 6/20/2018

Yes, they do. As it turns out, a smaller world keep surprising ordinary people and puzzling prominent scientists.

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#Science #Quora

What would happen if the sun stopped shining? 6/19/2018

It’s impossible to switch off the sun. Neither can it disappear. Nevertheless, scientists know for sure what will happen to our planet if the sun stops shining.

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#Science #knowledge #Nature

7 weirdest naming traditions from around the world 6/18/2018

Not every culture in the world uses given names and surnames. As it turns out, one person's name can consist of more than 6 words! Find out about the strangest and most interesting naming traditions from around the globe.

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#Geography #Culture


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