The most extreme settlements on Earth – you won't believe people still live there 8/7/2019

Some people live in harsh conditions for their entire lives – and they not only get used to it, but also learn to enjoy it. Let's take a look at the most unbelievable places where people live.

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#Geography #Culture #Society

10 divine wedding dresses which reflect their rich culture 8/6/2019

See the most wonderful costumes and enjoy a variety of cultures around the world.

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#Culture #History

10 strange and funny laws of the state of California 8/4/2019

The Golden State is famous worldwide for many things, such as its exquisite nature and Hollywood. As it turns out, some state laws of California are also exceptional.

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#Society #funny

Top 10 most beautiful queens and princesses in history 8/2/2019

Everyday life of royal women is usually kept in secret, but their looks are always in the focus of attention. Here are 10 of the most beautiful and charming royal ladies of all times.

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#History #Society #female

5 most dangerous health mistakes you should avoid 8/2/2019

The more we know about health and science, the more mistakes we can make. Pay attention to these 5 things if you want to care about your health the right way.

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#Science #health

You've definitely never heard of these real-life prototypes of famous characters 7/31/2019

We know the characters of our favorite books, movies and cartoons well, but who are the real people behind them? Let's find out who inspired Sherlock Holmes, Winnie-the-Pooh and other legends.

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#Culture #History #Movies & TV #literature


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