Popular stories and facts

Here you will find our users’ most favorite facts and stories. As they’ve been already checked out by 10 million people, don’t hesitate and check them out too. You may also like the most popular tests and quizzes to learn more about your personality and psychology.

10 answers you've always wondered about 9/7/2018

Growing up, we still have a lot of questions about different things we see in our daily life.

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#funny #knowledge


What is in this picture? You have never seen anything like this before! 10/28/2016

Sometimes your eyes deceive you. Can you guess what is pictured in these photos?

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#Science #photography

Weirdest man-made things ever sent into space 6/25/2020

Sometimes sending people into space just isn’t enough. It turns out that some really weird stuff has been sent into space. If you want to learn more about it, keep on reading this article!

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#Science #funny

The shocking sizes of these items will leave you mind-blown 2/25/2021

A strawberry as big as an apple and a 1-meter-wide cable? Why not! Looking at the photos below will surely leave you in great shock and awe.

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#funny #photography

You’ll be surprised to learn how these 12 countries got their names 6/9/2018

Do you know why Italy is called "Italy"? And how does Venezuela relate to Venice? Find out right now!

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#Geography #Culture #History #funny

This artist draws detailed pictures of landscapes from memory 6/2/2017

You won't believe that this artist draws cityscapes... from his memory. And they are extremely detailed. Watch and surprise.

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#art #inspiration

7 illogical things of our world we don't even notice 3/20/2020

Many rules have exceptions. The only way to deal with them is to memorize. Sometimes we face illogical things in our everyday life and got used to them. We don't even notice these logical errors or mismatches.

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#Society #knowledge

Find the hidden objects in these pictures to see how sharp your vision is 10/19/2018

To solve some riddles, you don't have to know a lot. You just need to be patient and observant. Try to find the hidden objects in the pictures below to test your vision and attention.

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#Science #IQ #vision

Flag day in the USA - the celebration of unity and independence of the country 6/14/2018

US Flag Day is one of the distinctive official holidays celebrated in the USA. This day and during the whole week of June 14th, the nation honors the American Flag, not only the official symbol of the country, but a world-famed sign. Today we want to share the most important and even little-known facts about the sign that plays a big part in the lives of the Americans.

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#Culture #Society #holiday

Winter inspired pictures that captured the beauty of ice 12/29/2017

Isn't winter your favorite season? It will be - as soon as you see these magnificent pics!

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#inspiration #Nature

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