Surprising facts about Johnny Cash's life
The Man in Black, a superstar, who knew the value of words. Get to know the most fascinating facts about Johnny Cash that you can find nowhere else.
Everyone knows that Johnny Cash was a talented guitarist, singer and songwriter. But do you know some surprising facts that are not always mentioned in articles about The Man in Black? Let's see some of them.
#1 Johnny Cash was indirectly responsible for the destruction of the condor population
#2 The most successful Cash’s song is a cover
#3 Johnny Cash opposed to Soviet intelligence
#4 Johnny Cash intentionally released a bad song called "Chicken in Black" to break with Columbia Records. However, he didn’t expect the song to become a hit
#5 Cash allowed singer Johnny Horton to hypnotize him to remember the lyrics that Cash wrote in his dream. Soon the song “I'd Still Be There” was born
#6 Once Cash had to use windshield wipers to wash his car from the ashes of his friend
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