Panama hats can be seen on the heads of Inca statues in the shape of a triangular cone -the tradition of weaving hats in Ecuador has been around for over 500 years.

The hats global fame came by an unusual quirk of history, the Panama Isthmus, which links the North and South America. It gave its name to the elegant hat known throughout the world as ‘The Panama Hat’ due to the Panama Canal trading post that shipped products from all over South America.

Despite their name, Panama hats have never been made in Panama, and originate in Ecuador, the only place in the world that has such a long lasting weaving tradition. The construction workers whose strength was tested building the Panama canal used Ecuadorian Hats as protection from the harsh sun.

The name ‘Panama Hat’ was introduced in 1906, when photos of President Roosevelt were published in the press, while he was overseeing the Panama Canal construction.

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