The equator passes through 13 countries, including Colombia in South America. The equator is halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole. The equator divides the surface into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. Whilst the equator divides the world in half, it does not equally divide the land on Earth. Only one third of the land is situated in the Southern Hemisphere.

Due to its position on the equator, Colombia experiences warm temperatures throughout the year and is the second-most biodiverse country in the world. Colombia has the highest amount of species by area in the world, including more species of birds than all of Europe and North America combined. Columbia is also the only country in South America that has coastlines on both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean sea.

Colombia is named after Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), the explorer who began the European colonization of the Americas.

The equator passes through the south of Colombia, approximately 4.3 km (2.7 mi) north of the border with Peru. It also passes through neighbouring countries, Ecuador and Brazil. Other countries the equator bisects include Sao Tome and Principe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, the Maldives, Indonesia and Kiribati.

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