Axolotls (Ax-oh-lot-ul) The Mexican walking fish, It is not a fish but an amphibian, a salamander .It Is an endangered species. Only 700 to 1,200 now remain. Scientific name Ambystoma. They come in various colors, and variety. This occur in captivity.(browns, yellows, white, grey, golden albino and white albino). It is part of one order of three branches of class Amphibia , witch also includes the frogs toads and mainly eel-like order.

The name Axolotl comes from Aztec language" Nahuatl". it's translation is "water-dog". (from "atl" for water and "xolotl" which can also mean dog). It is native to two lakes Xochimilco and Lake Chalco. It is rarely seen in the wild now. There has been a effort to breed and release them back into there water ways. there are threatened by the expansion of city's.

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