A corn burrito is a Mexican-style dish consisting of a small rolled-up corn tortilla filled with refried beans. The filled tortilla is typically deep-fried, then topped with hot sauce and cheese. A corn burrito is essentially the same thing as a taquito, the difference being that taquitos are typically filled with meat, whereas a corn burrito is always filled with refried beans.

Corn burritos are usually topped with cheese, lightly salted, and served with a mild red sauce, sour cream, or guacamole. Traditional sauce is a base of tomato and water with 1/3 onion and yellow pepper all blended together, salted to taste.

Although the idea of filling a rolled up tortilla with refried beans may be a common one, the term "Corn Burritos" is typically well known to the locals of Ventura County, California, USA, and they can be found at many Mexican fast food restaurants in the Ventura County, California area.

May 15th, 2018 was coined National Corn Burrito Day in Ventura, California.

More Info: en.wikipedia.org