No proper Hindu wedding will take place without provoking the blessings of the Elephant god, Ganesh, the remover of all obstacles. This important ceremony begins once the groom has arrived to the Mandap (stage) and before the actual wedding nuptials are ready to commence. The Ganesh Puja (ritual) is extremely vital to the progress of wedding as it is intended to bestow good luck into the new couple as well as destroy any possible obstacles that may come across the path.

Today, the people put images of the Lord Ganesh on the marriage invitation cards, birthday invitation cards, and business initiation cards etc. This is a popular belief that the Lord Ganesh will destroy all sorts of hindrances.

According to Hindu scripture Ganapati Upanishad, Lord Ganesh appeared even before the foundation of nature and consciousness. Besides many mythological legends, this is the important reason why Lord Ganesh is worshipped first before any other gods. There is a concerned Yogic principle that the Muladhar Chakra (first energy center situated at the end of cerebrospinal column) which is considered to be the interface between spiritual and material worlds is controlled by Lord Ganesh. So, accordingly it is believed that he is the only powerful God who both gives material success as well as make us free from rebirth.

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