"Shakespeare in Love" (1998) is the latest film to feature the winners of the Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress Academy Awards.

The Best Actress was won by Gwyneth Paltrow for her portrayal of Viola De Lesseps and the Best Supporting Actress was won by Judi Dench for her 8 minute portrayal of Queen Elizabeth I.

"Shakespeare in Love" is an American romantic comedy drama film directed by John Madden, written by Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard, and produced by Harvey Weinstein.

William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) is a struggling playwright and actor. He has already sold his next play to both Philip Henslowe (Geoffrey Rush) and Richard Burbage (Martin Clunes). However he has a problem in that he has become bereft of ideas and has yet to begin writing.

He is in search of a woman (muse) who will inspire him and he meets the beautiful Viola De Lesseps. She loves the theatre and would like to act on stage but is forbidden as only men can be actors.

She is an admirer of Shakespeare's works and dressed as a man,"Thomas Kent" she auditions for his next play. Shakespeare soon sees through her disguise and they begin a love affair.

The problem is that he is already married and she has been promised to Lord Wessex (Colin Firth). As the company rehearses his new play, William and Viola's love is transferred to the written page leading to the masterpiece that is "Romeo and Juliet".

"Shakespeare In Love" won the Best Picture Oscar at the 71st Academy Awards.

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