Zolgensma, a life-saving drug, can enable mobility in babies and young children suffering from a rare genetic condition. Zolgensma is an adeno-associated virus vector-based gene therapy indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients less than 2 years of age with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The one-off gene therapy treats SMA, a rare and often fatal genetic disease that causes paralysis, muscle weakness and progressive loss of movement. Babies born with severe type 1 SMA - the most common form of the condition - have a life expectancy of just two years.

Zolgensma, manufactured by Novartis Gene Therapies, has helped babies to reach milestones such as breathe without a ventilator, sit up on their own and crawl and walk after a single infusion treatment. The latest data suggested that Zolgensma can provide rapid and sustained improvement in motor function for young children with type 1 SMA and prolong their lives.

Zolgensma which has reported list price of £1.79 million in UK (approximately $2.1 million in US and ₹18 crores in India) per dose is labeled as the most expensive drug in the world. Other costliest drugs are : Zokinvy (a treatment for premature aging) costing approximately $1mlllion, Danyelza (a treatment for bone marrow) costing approximately $97 million, Myalept (a treatment for fat tissues) costing approximately $88 mil

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