Since John Milton wrote his 1667 epic "Paradise Lost", scholars and literary experts had said that it has had a profound impact on writers, artists and illustrators, and, in the 20th century, filmmakers. This is Milton's most famous work, which is still being studied in colleges, universities, and schools of high learning all over the world. It is an epic that will surely remain immortal in the annals of literature.

One of the most crucial reasons why this work by Milton is so important is that the following quote “Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven” is actually found in Milton's "Paradise Lost". In this work, Satan utters his iconic line in line 263, “It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven” .... This quote means that as Satan is kicked out of Heaven for his defiance towards God he is able to find solace in a place where he can reign supreme.

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