With the introduction of mass-produced housing developments, William J. Levitt helped with the US expansion of American suburbs. Levitt is known for creating Levittown. It was the name given to seven large suburban housing developments. These developments were created in the United States by Levitt and his company Levitt & Sons. They were built after World War II for returning veterans and their new families. The large suburban communities offered attractive alternatives to cramped central city locations and apartments.

Levittown was the first truly mass-produced suburb and was widely regarded as the archetype for postwar suburbs throughout the country. Levittown isn’t considered a single building. It became a development of more than 17,000 detached houses. The project – started in 1947 as America’s prototypical postwar planned community – has outlived its heartiest supporters and harshest detractors. Today, it is known as a plan that was much more complicated than building a single house or two or three. It is now seen as a monument to the glory of the American dream, or to the blandness and conformity to which that dream led.

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