Everest (or Chomolungma, as it's called in Tibet), at 8,848.43 meters high, is the dream for every climber, but without a doubt, it is the most dangerous challenge and the most deadly mountain on Earth. Yes, it is the highest place on our planet and the most famous summit every kid in every country knows about. But the story of its discovery and of brave people who tried to summit it is often unknown to the public. Having the form similar to a pyramid due to glacier dissection, Everest rises just right on the border between two Asian countries: China and Nepal.

This peak is truly considered one of the most magnificent yet tragic and dangerous places in the world. Its rocky silhouette has attracted numerous brave and courageous people to reach the peak. Regretfully, many of them stayed in its snow and rocky cliffs forever. Over 235 climbers and local people have died while attempting to come up the highest peak of the globe, though the exact number is still unknown, as not everyone registers before their trip. It's about the pressure and rarefied air, which is impossible to breathe for a long time. Though despite the danger, freezing cold air and lack of oxygen in air they breathe, numerous people risk their lives for being on the top of the world for a small amount of time.

More Info: www.everestian.com