A bunker is a defensive military fortification designed to protect people and valued materials, mostly underground. They were used extensively in WWI and WWII plus the Cold War for weapons facilities, as a command and control center, and as a storage facility.

After dozens of old maps and photographs of dense forests were analyzed, the world learned of three bunkers used by the Soviet Union in the country of Poland to store nuclear material. Named Templewo, Podoborsko and Bzeznice Kolonia, they were used during the Cold War from 1952 until 1992 for storing nuclear warheads.

Using airborne laser-scanning data, it was discovered that Podoborsko had two extravagant quarters, one used solely for stashing nuclear warheads and another which allowed soldiers to hide themselves in a life of luxury. They enjoyed full access to a large cinema, a dining room for 120 people, a hospital, and a prison for individuals who misbehaved.

Satellite imagery showed soldiers in Brzenica Kolonia to be quite athletic, in preparation for war, as they had access to a full-sized football pitch, and a running track.

Archaeologist Gregory Kiaryszys analyzed all three bunkers and wrote: “On December 1969, the three completed bases were officially handed over to the Soviet army. This is the moment when the archival record goes silent- until 1991/1992, when the bases were abandoned by the withdrawing Russian army and ‘appeared’ for the first time in official public discourse in Poland.”

More Info: www.thesun.co.uk