Oscypek is a smoked cheese made from salted sheep's milk exclusively in the Tatra Mountains region of Poland. It is done by an expert called "baca" (a combination of head shepherd and cheese farmer).

It's produced from May to September during the milking season for the sheep. The herders who care for the sheep are known as "górale" and they rarely leave the mountains during the season as the animals need to be milked three times a day.

Traditionally, this cheese is grilled and eaten with a garnish of lingonberry jam, but it is also often added to salads or pasta dishes. Cheese making in this region dates back to the 12th century, although its first recorded recipe dates back to 1748 and hasn't changed since.

To create this unique cheese, fresh sheep milk is strained through a linen cloth and into a wooden bucket. The milk is then curdled with dried rennet, and the curdled substance is strained to remove the whey.

Each form requires at least an hour of manual handling, as the cheesemaker gently kneads the cheese and extracts excess whey. With a wooden ring, the cheeses are engraved with the characteristic brand of each producer and are salted for 24 hours. They are then hung from the rafters to be smoked.

During this time, it will develop its unique flavor and texture – becoming firm on the outside with a characteristic smoky and salty aftertaste.

Since 14th of February 2008, it has been registered under the European Union Protected Designation of Origin.

More Info: en.wikipedia.org