Most of us never think about swimming with pigs. When people go to the Bahamas (Big Major Cay, aka Pig Beach, in the Exuma archipelago) for an adventure, they often find themselves at the beach going swimming with pigs. There are several theories on how the growing colony of 20 or more pigs, with adorable sandy snouts, landed on the island.

First, the pigs were said to have been dropped off on Big Major Cay by a group of sailors who wanted to come back and cook them. The sailors, however, never returned. The pigs were able to survive on excess food dumped from passing ships.

Another legend has it that the pigs were survivors of a shipwreck. They managed to swim to shore. They initially found items (plants, etc.) that they could live on. Later people found the pigs and generously fed them.

Concerning other claims, it is mentioned that the pigs escaped from a nearby islet and landed on Big Major Cay. Others suggest that the pigs were part of a business scheme to attract tourists to the Bahamas. The pigs are now protected and fed by local caregivers. Tourists and others on the island, which is unofficially known as Pig Beach, like to assist with many of the daily living activities of the pigs. They help to address impairments related to old age, disability, or a disease. They love to aid with all the routine exercises (swimming drills).

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