Frogs do not consume water using their mouths. Instead, they absorb water via a semi-permeable area of their skin known as a drinking patch, located on the underside of their thighs and their abdomens. This process is known as osmosis whereby water passes through a frog’s permeable skin. Osmosis is a balancing act that dictates water to move from high to low concentrations.

In the case of frogs, the permeable membrane of their drinking patches is what allows for this process to occur.

Given this, it is fair to say that frogs don’t exactly drink water, as we understand other animals consume water. Even so, they are utterly reliant on it for their survival.

During the osmotic cycle, they absorb not only water but also various salts and oxygen.

This can be quite a risky business for frogs. Because they absorb water through their skin, they are far more susceptible to toxins and water pollutants.

Frogs will only thrive in environments where their water is clean and safe.

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