• 1 Pound = 453.59237 Grams
  • 1 Troy Pound = 373.2417216 Grams

Pound is a unit of mass. Nowadays pound is commonly used in the US, Britain and Canada. Avoirdupois pound is 0.45359237 kilograms.

Troy pound is mostly used for the measurement of precious metals. There are 16 ounces in avoirdupois and 12 troy ounces in a troy pound.

The pound origins in continental Europe. The name comes from the Latin word Libra (meaning balance or weight, remember the astrological sign?) in the construction Libra Pondo, which means a pound weight. Even if the Libra word is not used anymore, we it can be traced in the abbreviation of the unit of mass, lb, and in £ (pound as a currency).

Gram is a unit of mass in metric system. Kilogram is the basic unit of the metric system, and one gram is one thousandth of it.