There are four planets in our solar system that have rings. They are the gas planets of Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune and they are also the four biggest plants in our Solar system. One of the biggest theroies is gravity. Since it is only the biggest planets with rings. Meaning their gravity pull is much bigger and stronger than the rest of the planets, making it easier for debris to be caught in their gravitational force. Another big theory is due to the planets with rings are the Gas planets of our solar system. There is no definitive explanation for why these planets have rings. Astronomers have been debating this since Galileo first discovered the rings of Saturn.

Saturn has the most extensive ring system with twelve rings in two divisions. Some of Saturn's moons lie within the rings.

Two of Saturns rings are believed to be made of two moons that no longer exist and were named accordingly, the Pheobe ring is Saturn's most largest ring. The ring system of Saturn spans about 175,000 miles across.

Uranus has the most with thirteen rings. Thought to be about 600 million years old making them the youngest ring system

Neptune has six rings, as Saturn and Uranus, has moons within its rings.

Jupiter has the least amount of rings with four.

Besides dust particles of moons that no longer exist, space debris, comets, and astroids help make up the rings. Particles range in size from as small as a grain of sugar to as large as a house.

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