There are seven different species of Tropidurus, lava lizards, found in the Galápagos. The seven different species are T. grayi, T. bivattatus, T. pacificus, T. habellii, T. delanonis, T. albemarlensis, and T. duncanensis. These lava lizards are found across ten of the central islands and are mainly found in the lowlands, especially along the shoreline, intermingled with groups of marine iguanas basking in the sun.

The Galapagos Lava lizards have two highly effective mechanisms to protect themselves against predators. The most simple is camouflage. If the lizard feels threatened (or experiences a temperature change), the lizard is able to change color to blend more effectively into its environment. The lava Lizards colors vary from one to another. Some may be quite beautifully colored from mottled grey to speckled copper or black with gold stripes. The male Lava Lizard looks quite different from the female. It is normally larger in size and more brightly colored.

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