Uncommitted has received the most votes twice in the Iowa Presidential caucus on the Democratic side in 1972 and 1976.

In 1972, Uncommitted (35.8%), Edmund Muskie (35.5%), George McGovern (22.6%), Hubert Humphrey (1.6%), Eugene McCarthy (1.4%), Shirley Chisholm (1.3%), and Henry M. Jackson (1.1%), Others 7%.

In 1976, Uncommitted (37.2%), Jimmy Carter (27.6%) Birch Bayh (13.2%), Fred R. Harris (9.9%), Morris Udall (6%), Sargent Shriver (3.3%), and Henry M. Jackson (1.1%), Others 1.8%.

Carter in 1976 and Muskie in 1972 were declared the winners despite coming in second to the uncommitted vote.

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