Looking at the state capitals longitude and latitude numbers we can verify which capitals are west of Los Angeles. You need to look at the coordinates of the numbers below with the W designation to verify. The higher the number the further west that city is.

We start with Los Angeles' coordinates.

Los Angeles, CA 34.0522° N, 118.2437° W

The western states that we are looking at are: California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Hawaii. Their capitals are Sacramento, Carson City, Olympia, Salem, Juneau and Honolulu respectively. Notice that all of their coordinates are higher than Los Angeles which means that they are all west of LA.

1. Sacramento, CA/Coordinates 38.5816° N, 121.4944° W

2. Carson City, NV/Coordinates 39.1638° N, 119.7674° W

3. Olympia, WA/Coordinates 47.0379° N, 122.9007° W

4. Salem, OR/Coordinates 44.9429° N, 123.0351° W

5. Juneau, AK/Coordinates 58.3005° N, 134.4201° W

6. Honolulu, HI/Coordinates 21.3099° N, 157.8581° W

Six US state capitals are west of Los Angeles.

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