Honey bees have two sets of wings, totaling four in all. The British Beekeepers Association describes the front and rear wings as hooking together to form one big pair of wings, which unhook when the bees fold them closed when not flying.

As well as four wings, honey bees have six legs and five eyes. Each part of their anatomy helps them work in the hive, keep mobile, and aid reproduction. The multiple wings help them in flight, their eyes help them locate honey and watch for predators, and their legs are used when on the ground or on a plant.

Honey bees do not have ears. Instead, they are covered in tiny hairs that help carry pollen, keep warm, and "hear". The fine hairs allow the bees to sense vibrations from the atmosphere, which lets them detect sounds.

Honey bees are so named because they produce and store honey in nests made from wax. Known as honeycombs, the bees store honey in thousands of hexagonal shaped cells.

More Info: en.m.wikipedia.org