On 24th August 1782, David Tyrie became the last man hanged, drawn, and quartered in British history. Tyrie was a Scotsman working at a naval office in Portsmouth, who was caught giving treasonous information to the French. He received the punishment at Gallows Hill in Winchester.

The capital punishment of being hanged, drawn, and quartered had existed for at least 500 years before Tyrie's execution. It involved being hanged by a rope - for 22 minutes in Tyrie's case - during which time many convicts died. Following this, the convict's head is severed from the body, their heart taken out and burnt, their private parts severed, and the remains of the body quartered (chopped into four pieces).

After Tyrie's execution, he was placed in a coffin and buried. Soon after, sailors dug up his body, cut him up into thousands of pieces and fought over them. Following this gruesome behaviour, authorities agreed to no longer carry out the punishment of hanging, drawing and quartering. Occasionally, people were given the sentence, but the executioners only carried out the hanging and beheading.

More Info: www.executedtoday.com