The Lewton Bus, also known as the Cat Scare, refers to the general technique of building up tension and then startling the audience with something that turns out to be harmless. The name Lewton Bus comes from producer Val Lewton, who popularized the technique with a scene in his 1942 movie Cat People. The heroine is being stalked on a dark street by a hostile were-panther, but the cat-like hissing noise that startles the heroine and audience turns out to have come from a bus' air brakes.

This technique has become a popular movie trope over time, and often it is an actual cat that provides the "harmless" scare. But beware! It is also frequently used to effectively double-subvert a true Jump Scare. In this scenario, the Cat Scare (Lewton Bus) is introduced to soften up the audience for a real scare to follow shortly.

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