Maundy Thursday (also known as Holy Thursday) is marked in the Western Christian church on the Thursday preceding Good Friday - in 2022, it will fall on the 14th of April.

Although the word is linked to the Latin "Mandatum", which is also the origin of the English word "mandate", in this context it specifically refers to the ceremonial and symbolic washing of feet. This rite is preserved to this day, in many Christian traditions, symbolising humility, and also the woman often referred to as Mary Magdalene washing Christ's feet with oil. The Pope himself performs this action on Maundy Thursday.

In the United Kingdom, Maundy Thursday is also closely associated with the distribution of Maundy Money by the sovereign, although the pandemic has affected the ceremony over the last couple of years. The ceremony is held in various cathedrals, or occasionally churches, and the silver coins depict the monarch, presently Queen Elizabeth II, as they were on the currency originally minted after their Coronation. Though technically legal tender, they are almost never used as such.

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