At the beginning of World War II the Allied militaries – principally the US and the UK – had their own radiotelephone spelling alphabets which had origins back to World War I and had developed separately in the different services in the two countries. For communication between the different countries and different services specific alphabets were mandated.

The Combined Communications Board (CCB), created in 1941, derived a spelling alphabet that was mandated for use when any US military branch was communicating with any British military branch; when operating without any British forces, the Joint Army/Navy spelling alphabet was mandated for use whenever the US Army and US Navy were communicating in joint operations; if the US Army was operating on its own, it would use its own spelling alphabet, in which some of the letters were identical to the other spelling alphabets and some completely different.

The full CCB alphabet is as follows:

A - Able

B - Baker

C - Charlie

D - Dog

E - Easy

F - Fox

G - George

H - How

I - Item

J - Jig

K - King

L - Love

M - Mike

N - Nan

O - Oboe

P - Peter

Q - Queen

R - Roger

S - Sugar

T - Tare

U - Uncle

V - Victor

W - William

X - Xray

Y - Yoke

Z - Zebra

The CCB alphabet was later superseded by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alphabet

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