Lenore Karidian (19) is the daughter Anton Karidian and a Shakespearean actress in the Karidian Company of Players. Lenore wanted to perform since the first time she saw her father act.

Although Anton took care that his daughter never learned of the fact he had previously been a brutal executioner named Kodos, former Governor of the Federal Colony of Tarsus IV, she not only did so, but also became determined to silence all those who could connect Karidian to that past.

Backstage, Lenore discussed it with her father – revealing, to his horror, that she had been, over time, murdering all those eyewitnesses and planned to kill the last two after the performance. Clearly insane, she attempted to kill Captain Kirk, instead hitting and killing her father when he jumped in front of Kirk at the last second.

This act destroyed what remained of her mind and she was taken into medical custody.

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