'Freedom House' is a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) U.S. government-funded non-governmental organization (NGO) that conducts research and advocacy on democracy, political freedom, and human rights. Freedom House was founded in October 1941, and Wendell Willkie and Eleanor Roosevelt served as its first honorary chairpersons.

It describes itself as a "clear voice for democracy and freedom around the world", although critics have stated that the organization is biased towards US interests. The organization was 66% funded by grants from the U.S. government in 2006, a number which has increased to 86% in 2016. The reliance on US funding has been acknowledged as "a problem" within Freedom House, but accepted as a "necessary evil".

The organization's annual 'Freedom in the World' report, which assesses each country's degree of political freedoms and civil liberties, is frequently cited by political scientists, journalists, and policymakers.

'Freedom of the Press' and 'Freedom of the Net', which monitor censorship, intimidation and violence against journalists, and public access to information, are among its other signature reports.

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