Dressage; a French term, most commonly translated to mean "training" is a highly skilled form of riding performed in exhibition and competition, as well as an "art" sometimes pursued solely for the sake of mastery. As an equestrian sport defined by the International Equestrian Federation, dressage is "the highest expression of horse training" where "horse and rider are expected to perform from memory a series of predetermined movements."

Competitions are held at all levels from amateur to the Olympic Games and World Equestrian Games. In modern dressage competition, successful training at the various levels is demonstrated through the performance of "tests", prescribed series of movements ridden within a standard arena. Judges evaluate each movement on the basis of an objective standard appropriate to the level of the test. A serpentine is one such movement.

To ride a serpentine correctly the weight aids are most important for turning the horse. On entering each new loop the horse has to be both flexed and bent in the new direction by shortening the new inside rein and changing weight and leg

When riding in canter with a simple change of leg, the new canter should be asked for when entering each new loop. The constant changing of flexion and bend in a serpentine is very beneficial for both horse and rider.

More Info: howtodressage.com