Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth) was baptized in the water of the Jordan River. In Bible gospels, the ministry of Jesus starts with his Baptism by John the Baptist.

Jesus came to the Jordan River where he was baptized by John the Baptist, after which he fasted for forty days and nights in the Judaean Desert. This is part of his early period which also includes his first miracle involving the Marriage at Cana.

Jesus was about 30 years old when was baptized and began preaching in Galilee and gathers disciples. After the proclamation of Jesus as Christ, three of the disciples were witness to his Transfiguration. After the death of John the Baptist and the Transfiguration, Jesus started his final journey to Jerusalem, having predicted his own death there. Jesus made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and there friction with the Pharisees increased. One of his disciples agreed to betray him for thirty pieces of silver.

Concerning the Jordan River, it is found in Israel. It rises on the slopes of Mount Hermon, on the border between Syria and Lebanon, and flows southward through northern Israel to the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberius). Exiting the sea, it continues south, dividing Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank to the west from Jordan to the east before emptying into the Dead Sea. The Jordan River is more than 223 miles (360 km) in length, but because its course is twisting, the actual distance between its source and the Dead Sea is less than 124 miles (200 km).

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