On the 1962 - 1971 U.S. TV series "The Beverly Hillbillies", Jane Hathaway (Nancy Kulp) has a crush on Jethro Bodine. During the series, Jane Hathaway is Milburn Drysdale's loyal and efficient secretary. He is the Clampetts' banker, confidant, and next-door neighbor. Regarding Hathaway, the Clampetts love to address her as "Miss Jane". Though she reluctantly carries out Drysdale's wishes, Jane is genuinely fond of the Clampetts.

Jane Hathaway tries to shield the Clampetts from her boss's great greed. She has to frequently rescue her boss from his dumb schemes; she receives little or no thanks for her actions. The Clampetts consider "Miss Jane" family. Granny, the one who is most dead-set against living in California, likes her very much. Jane will harbor a crush on Jethro Bodine (Maximilian Adalbert "Max" Baer Jr.) for almost the entire time that the series is on the air for CBS.

It was a shame that Jane Hathaway never found a great love while working and helping others to find their loves.

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