Ford Motor Company announced that it has made its 10 millionth Mustang, the best-selling two-door sports car that has been in continuous production since it was first introduced 54 years ago. The second-largest U.S. automaker will unveil its new Nascar Mustang, which will replace the Fusion sedan which Ford is phasing out of in the U.S.

This all speaks to the enduring influence and power of the brand, which some at Ford say has become essential to Ford's identity, even in an era when buyers are turning away from traditional cars. Ford recently raised more than a few eyebrows when it said it was going to stop making most sedans and compact cars. But it's holding on tight to the Mustang.

The Mustang is practically a brand unto its own. It has been the best-selling two-door sports car around the world for three years and can be bought for little more than $20,000, or more than $50,000. It can be sold to rental car agencies or to racing enthusiasts. The Mustang remains one of the most easily modifiable cars — there is a vast ecosystem of aftermarket parts suppliers and shops that will work on the car.

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