The ethmoid bone is one of the most complex bones of your face and is located in the center of your skull between your eyes. The ethmoid bone is only about the size of an ice cube but is very light and sponge-like in appearance that helps to form the walls of your eye socket, or orbital cavity, as well as the roof, sides, and interior of your nasal cavity.

Because the ethmoid bone is a complex bony structure that is centrally located in your face, it has various functions that it has to support, some common everyday activities that you enjoy. The cribriform plate has sieve-like holes that allow the olfactory nerves to locate in your nose so that you can experience your sense of smell, and also plays a role in your ability to taste.

Due to its central location in the face, the ethmoid bone is prone to fracture. However, because there are other bones around it, the ethmoid bone is rarely fractured by itself. If fractured, it is typically part of a complex fracture. This type of fracture is usually from blunt-force trauma as you might have in an automotive accident or contact-sports injury.

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