Jabberjays were recreated for the use of the 75th Hunger Games. They tortured Katniss and Finnick by mimicking the voices of their loved ones screams. It is believed that these screams were not actual recordings of the voices, but rather digitally warped sounds created from recordings of the loved ones voices from interviews of past Hunger Games.

The Jabberjay is a type of bird mutation created by the Capital of Panem.

In the time of the Dark Days, jabberjays were used as a weapon to spy on enemies of the Capital. They were known to have the ability to memorize entire human conversations and were meant to return to the Capital with the information they had overheard from the enemies. Later, they became useless when the enemies learned of the Jabberjays' purpose and began feeding the birds false information.

The capital created only male Jabberjays, but when left in the wild to die off, the birds mated with Mockingbirds, creating a species known as the Mockingjay.

The Hunger Games is a series of young adult dystopian novels written by American novelist Suzanne Collins. The series is set in The Hunger Games universe, and follows young Katniss Everdeen. The novels in the trilogy are titled "The Hunger Games" (2008), "Catching Fire" (2009), and "Mockingjay" (2010).

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