February is the second month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The month has 28 days in common years or 29 in leap years, with the 29th day being called the 'leap day'.

The Roman month 'Februarius' was named after the Latin term 'februum', which means "purification", via the purification ritual 'Februa' held on February 15 (full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar.

Historical names for February include the Old English terms 'Solmonath' (mud month) and 'Kale-monath' (named for cabbage) as well as Charlemagne's designation Hornung.

In Finnish, the month is called 'helmikuu', meaning "month of the pearl"; when snow melts on tree branches, it forms droplets, and as these freeze again, they are like pearls of ice.

In Polish and Ukrainian, respectively, the month is called 'luty' or 'лютий' (lyutiy), meaning the month of ice or hard frost.

In Macedonian the month is 'sechko' (сечко), meaning month of cutting (wood). In Czech, it is called 'únor', meaning month of submerging (of river ice).

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