Vampires are believed to be undead people feeding on blood of the living for their vital essence through blood. Most cultures recorded some forms of vampirism being present in them, but modern vampires were popularized in Western Europe in the 18th century after the spread of mass hysteria due to the belief in vampirism in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, where corpses were staked and people tried for vampirism.

The Oxford English Dictionary dates the first appearance of the word vampire (as vampyre) in English from 1734, in a travelogue titled "Travels of Three English Gentlemen" published in "The Harleian Miscellany" in 1745. Vampires had already been discussed in French and German literature. After Austria gained control of northern Serbia in 1718, officials noted the local practice of exhuming bodies and "killing vampires". These reports, prepared between 1725 and 1732, received widespread publicity. The English term was derived from the German "Vampir", in turn derived in the early 18th century from the Serbian "vampir" (Serbian Cyrillic: вампир).

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