The mosquito is a common flying insect that lives in most parts of the world. There are over 3,000 varieties of mosquitoes worldwide. Mosquitoes belong to Class Insecta. The mosquito's scientific name is Culicidae.

All mosquitoes experience the same four-stage life cycle, no matter what their chosen breeding habitat: mosquito eggs, the larval stage (Aquatic), pupal stage (Aquatic), adult mosquitos.

Female mosquitoes bite people and animals to get blood for their meals. Most of the female mosquitoes cannot produce eggs without the blood. When a mosquito bites, a small red bump appears in that area. This happens because the mosquito uses a special mouth organ to pierce through the skin and then suck up the blood. While feeding, the saliva from the mouth of the mosquito injects into our body which causes the bump.

The lifetime of a mosquito depends primarily on the mosquito life cycle. Male mosquitoes live only for 3-7 days after hatching but female mosquitoes live longer than male mosquitoes. Depending on the species, humidity, temperature, and other factors, adult mosquito lifespan is around 2 to 4 weeks.

Mosquitoes belong to the insect class. So like all insects mosquitoes too have six legs.

Mosquitoes do have brains even though they are very small. Compared to the human brain, this organ is small, but it is enough to help mosquitoes see, fly, taste, and detect scents or heat.

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