Have you ever seen a giant squid with your own eyes? We bet it looks really impressive and even shocking!

Imagine an ordinary squid: like other squids and octopuses, this extra large species has two eyes, a beak, eight arms, two feeding tentacles, and a funnel (also called a siphon). And now magnify your imaginary squid to several times!

Giant squid can snatch prey up to 33 feet (10 meters) away by shooting out their two very long feeding tentacles, which are covered with hundreds of powerful sharp-toothed suckers. The eyes of this gigantiс marine creature resemble dinner plates being the largest in the animal kingdom! 1 ft (30 centimeters) in diameter, these huge eyes absorb more light than their smaller counterparts would.

The squid's complex brain, which is tiny compared to its body, is shaped like a donut. Strangely enough, its esophagus runs through the "donut hole" in the middle, which makes grinding up food into tiny bits an evolutionary priority.

Have you heard about this interesting fact before? Tell us in the comments below!