A warrior monk is a concept which combines aspects of being a monk, such as deep religious devotion and an ascetic lifestyle, with being a warrior, trained to engage in a violent conflict.

The "Nihang" is an armed monk Sikh warrior order originating in the Indian subcontinent. Historians described Nihangs as "unaffected by pain or comfort", "given to meditation, penance and charity" and "complete warriors". They are characterized by blue robes, antiquated arms such as swords and spears, and decorated turbans surmounted by steel quoits. Etymologically the word "Nihang" in Persian means an alligator, sword and pen but the characteristics of Nihangs seem to stem more from the Sanskrit word nihshank which means without fear, unblemished, pure, carefree and indifferent to worldly pains and comfort.

Nihangs had a major role in the Sikh religion path after the fall of the first Sikh rule (1710-15) when Mughal governors were killing Sikhs, and during the onslaught of Afghan invader Ahmad Shah Durrani (1748-65). Nihangs also took control of the religious affairs of Sikh at Akal Takht in Amritsar, Punjab.

Nihangs today constitute a small community. About a dozen bands, each headed by a leader, are still carrying on with the traditional order. For the whole year, they remain stationed at their respective centers but set out on their annual pilgrimage of Gurdwaras and take part in religious events and exhibit their martial skills and horsemanship.

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