In 1971, Fred Smith founded the company, FedEx, with $4 million of inheritance and $80 million in loans and equity investments. FedEx started out with eight planes, covering 35 cities, and it had plans to add more each month, but with the rising cost of fuel the company found itself in millions dollars of debt by 1973. Pilots were using their own personal credit cards and uncashed checks to fuel planes.

It was desperate times. With the company facing bankruptcy and no one willing to give the company additional loans or funds, the CEO, Fred Smith, took the company's last $5,000 and flew to Las Vegas and gambled it all on Blackjack. He came back the next week with $27,000 just enough to keep the business in operation for another week and enough time to secure $11 million in funding. Without this brazen move, FedEx would have gone out of business and gone away. It wouldn't have been the success it is today.

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