“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colors” (Genesis 37:3 NKJV). The question of why Jacob gave a coat of many colors is one with many aspects to consider. A study of the parental mistakes of Bible characters could be in itself a full-length volume. As examples of parental shortcomings, the erratically behaved Samson was a product of overly indulgent parents. Eli, the high priest of Shiloh, refused to discipline his lecherous sons Hophni and Phinehas. Abraham rashly acted upon his wife’s ill-conceived plan by fathering an illegitimate son. (It is worth noting that Abraham’s two sons continue their struggle to this day.)

But it was Isaac, the son of Abraham, who committed the parental sin of sins. He and his wife, Rebekah, divided their family by showing favoritism between their sons.

As to the coat of many colors itself, the most common outer garment of this type was nothing more than a long cloth with a hole in its middle. After draping the long cloth over the shoulders, a rope or a belt was fastened around the waist. Some expositors argue that this particular coat was especially valued because sleeves were sewn into the garment. Others believe the coat was ornamented by many colors. The real issue, of course, has nothing to do with colors or sleeves. Jacob presented the special coat to Joseph as a sign that Joseph was esteemed above his brothers.

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