Perseverance is the steadfastness required to do something and to keep on doing it till the end, even if it is difficult. One can look at it as the continuum from a state of sacrifice that finally leads to a state of glory. Much of what really matters in life requires unrelenting efforts and numerous attempts. The greater the accomplishment one aspires for, the more likely this is to be true.

Perseverance originates from the Latin words 'per' and 'severus': 'per' means "very" and 'severus', "strict". Perseverance, then, requires that a person must be 'very strict' with himself/herself to see things through until the end in spite of uncertainty, hindrance, anxiety, and opposition. It is the virtue that pushes a person to keep going to get things done even during trying times. He/she has the firm resolve to achieve it, and to quit form that quest is never an option.

More and more experts are arguing that perseverance, along with performance values is essential to kid's future success. We tend to think that encouraging kids means telling them they're smart or great at soccer, or otherwise doling out praise. But telling a child he/she is smart is far less effective than rewarding him/her for hard work.

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