Adjective, demurer, demurest.

1-characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

2-affectedly or coyly decorous, sober, or sedate.


1350-1400; Middle English dem(e)ur(e) well-mannered, grave < Anglo-French demuré, past participle of demure r to demur; perhaps influenced by Old French mur, mëur grave, mature (< Latin matūrus).

Examples from the Web for demure:

Looking down upon the boat he could not help observing that his fair young passenger, sitting in her demure stillness at her father's side, made a very pretty picture. "The Bell-Ringer of Angel's and Other Stories" by Bret Harte.

The demure Quaker maiden who had looked love out of her dove- like eyes three years ago when Pepeeta appeared for the first time among these quiet folk, was in her old familiar seat. "The Redemption of David Corson" by Charles Frederic Goss.

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