As both Sandra Day O'Connor and, later, Ruth Bader Ginsburg joined the United States Supreme Court, they agreed that they needed a way to honor their position in the court with a standard of attire to denote their gender more appropriately. They wisely chose the jabot. A jabot is a type of fabric, frequently lace, that hangs from the throat attached to a neckband or collar.

A jabot can be worn as well by men, and are worn with robes in courtrooms in other countries. They are also worn with some Scottish traditional wear.

Justice Ginsburg was noted as having chosen her jabot to sometimes represent her strategy or plans for the day. This is somewhat similar to men who declare they have a certain "power tie" to be worn on certain occasions. After the death of Justice Ginsburg, some women chose to identify with the strength and decisions of her court by wearing a jabot style item.

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