People with Scoleciphobia have an extreme fear of worms, which manifests itself with nausea, elevated heart rate, and trembling. Some people feel as if the worms were crawling on them, and, can react with constant washing, much like we would see in people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Scoleciphobia is generally caused by a traumatic event experienced by a person at one point in their life. In this case, the event would have to do with worms or any similar creepy, crawly insect. From the time of the trauma, the inflicted person will unfortunately be forced to relive or remember parts of the event whenever they are faced with a worm.

This phobia can also be traced back to a fear of infestation or contamination, although this is far less common. If untreated, this fear can cause a person to avoid leaving their home or enter any environment they feel worms would be present in. This can lead to a wealth of problems, including depression.

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